82a-1368. Same; publication of notice of revenue bond issuance, contents; actions to contest, timing. Prior to the issuance of any revenue bonds under authority of this act and after the adoption of a resolution authorizing any revenue bonds under this act, the director shall cause to be published once in the Kansas register a notice to all persons interested that the Kansas water office has determined to issue revenue bonds under authority of this act. The notice shall state the amount or maximum amount of revenue bonds to be issued pursuant to such resolution, together with a brief statement of the purposes for which the proceeds are to be used, and further, that unless an action to contest the legality of the proposed revenue bonds shall be filed in a court of law within 30 days from the date of such publication, the right to contest the legality of any revenue bonds issued in compliance with the proceedings taken by the Kansas water office prior to the date of such publication and the right to contest the validity of the provisions of such proceedings shall cease to exist and no court shall thereafter have authority to inquire into such matters. After the expiration of the 30 days, no one shall have any right to commence an action contesting the validity of such revenue bonds or the provisions of such proceedings and all revenue bonds shall be conclusively presumed to be legal, and no court shall thereafter have authority to inquire into such matters.
History: L. 1986, ch. 394, ยง 15; July 1.