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74-8802. Definitions. As used in the Kansas parimutuel racing act unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) "Breakage" means the odd cents by which the amount payable on each dollar wagered exceeds:

(1) A multiple of $.10, for parimutuel pools from races conducted in this state; and

(2) a multiple of such other number of cents as provided by law of the host jurisdiction, for interstate combined wagering pools.

(b) "Commission" means the Kansas racing and gaming commission created by this act.

(c) "Concessionaire licensee" means a person, partnership, corporation or association licensed by the commission to utilize a space or privilege within a racetrack facility to sell goods or services.

(d) "Contract" means an agreement, written or oral, between two or more persons, partnerships, corporations or associations, or any combination thereof that creates an obligation between the parties.

(e) "Crossover employment" means a situation in which an occupational licensee is concurrently employed at the same racing facility by an organization licensee and a facility owner licensee or facility manager licensee.

(f) "Dual racetrack facility" means a racetrack facility for the racing of both horses and greyhounds or two immediately adjacent racetrack facilities, owned by the same licensee, one for racing horses and one for racing greyhounds.

(g) "Employee" means a person who has applied for a position of employment or is currently employed by the commission.

(h) "Executive director" means the executive director of the commission.

(i) "Facility manager licensee" means a person, partnership, corporation or association licensed by the commission and having a contract with an organization licensee to manage a racetrack facility located in Sedgwick county.

(j) "Facility owner licensee" means a person, partnership, corporation or association, or the state of Kansas or any political subdivision thereof, licensed by the commission to construct or own a racetrack facility located in Sedgwick county. "Facility owner licensee" does not mean an organization licensee that owns the racetrack facility in which it conducts horse or greyhound racing.

(k) "Fair association" means an association organized pursuant to K.S.A. 2-125 et seq., and amendments thereto or a nonprofit association determined by the commission to be otherwise organized to conduct fair activities pursuant to findings of fact entered by the commission in a license order.

(l) "Financial interest" means an interest that could result directly or indirectly in receiving a pecuniary gain or sustaining a pecuniary loss as a result of ownership or interest in a business entity or activity or as a result of a salary, gratuity or other compensation or remuneration from any person.

(m) "Greyhound" means any greyhound breed of dog properly registered with the national greyhound association of Abilene, Kansas.

(n) "Historical horse race machine" means any electronic, electromechanical, video or computerized device, contrivance or machine authorized by the commission that, upon insertion of cash, tokens, electronic cards or any consideration, is available to accept wagers on and simulate the running of historical horse races, and that may deliver or entitle the patron operating the machine to receive cash, tokens, merchandise or credits that may be redeemed for cash. Historical horse race machines shall use historically accurate information of the horse race selected to determine the place of finish of each horse. No random number generator or other algorithm shall be used for determining the results of an historical horse race. Historical horse race machines shall be directly linked to a central computer at a location determined by the commission for purposes of security, monitoring and auditing.

(o) "Horsemen's association" means any association or corporation:

(1) All officers, directors, members and shareholders of which are licensed owners of horses or licensed trainers of horses, or both;

(2) applying for or has been issued a facility owner license authorizing ownership of Eureka Downs, Anthony Downs or a racetrack facility on or adjacent to premises used by a fair association to conduct fair activities; and

(3) none of the officers, directors, members or shareholders of which holds another facility owner license or is an officer, director, member or shareholder of another facility owner licensee.

(p) "Horsemen's nonprofit organization" means any nonprofit organization:

(1) All officers, directors, members or shareholders of which are licensed owners of horses or licensed trainers of horses, or both; and

(2) applying for or has been issued an organization license authorizing the conduct of horse races at Eureka Downs, Anthony Downs or a racetrack facility on or adjacent to premises used by a fair association to conduct fair activities.

(q) "Host facility" means the racetrack at which the race is run or, if the race is run in a jurisdiction that is not participating in the interstate combined wagering pool, the racetrack or other facility that is designated as the host facility.

(r) "Host jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction where the host facility is located.

(s) "Interstate combined wagering pool" means a parimutuel pool established in one jurisdiction that is combined with comparable parimutuel pools from one or more racing jurisdictions for the purpose of establishing the amount of money returned on a successful wager in the participating jurisdictions.

(t) "Intertrack wagering" means wagering on a simulcast race at a licensed racetrack facility or at a facility that is licensed in its racing jurisdiction to conduct live races.

(u) "Intrastate combined wagering pool" means a parimutuel pool that is combined with comparable parimutuel pools from one or more racetrack facilities for the purpose of establishing the amount of money returned on a successful wager at the participating racetrack facilities.

(v) "Kansas-whelped greyhound" means a greyhound whelped and raised in Kansas for the first six months of its life.

(w) "Licensee" means a person who has submitted an application for licesure or currently holds a license issued by the commission.

(x) "Minus pool" means a parimutuel pool in which, after deducting the takeout, not enough money remains in the pool to pay the legally prescribed minimum return to those placing winning wagers, and in which the organization licensee would be required to pay the remaining amount due.

(y) "Nonprofit organization" means:

(1) A corporation that is incorporated in Kansas as a not-for-profit corporation pursuant to the Kansas general corporation code and the net earnings of which do not inure to the benefit of any shareholder, individual member or person; or

(2) a fair association.

(z) "Occupation licensee" means a person licensed by the commission to perform an occupation or provide services that the commission has identified as requiring a license pursuant to this act.

(aa) "Off-track wagering" means wagering on a simulcast race at a facility that is not licensed in its jurisdiction to conduct live races.

(bb) "Organization licensee" means a nonprofit organization licensed by the commission to conduct races pursuant to this act and, if the license so provides, to construct or own a racetrack facility.

(cc) "Parimutuel pool" means the total money wagered by individuals on one or more horses or greyhounds in a particular horse or greyhound race to win, place or show, or combinations thereof, as established by the commission, and, except in the case of an interstate or intrastate combined wagering pool, held by the organization licensee pursuant to the parimutuel system of wagering. There is a separate parimutuel pool for win, for place, for show and for each of the other forms of betting provided for by the rules and regulations of the commission.

(dd) "Parimutuel wagering" means a form of wagering on the outcome of horse and greyhound races, including historical horse races conducted by an historical horse race machine, in which those who wager purchase tickets of various denominations on one or more horses or greyhounds and all wagers for each race are pooled and the winning ticket holders are paid prizes from such pool in amounts proportional to the total receipts in the pool.

(ee) "Race meeting" means one or more periods of racing days during a calendar year designated by the commission for which an organization licensee has been approved by the commission to hold live horse or greyhound races or simulcast horse races at which parimutuel wagering is conducted, including such additional time as designated by the commission for the conduct of official business before and after the races.

(ff) "Racetrack facility" means a racetrack within Kansas used for the racing of horses or greyhounds, or both, including the track surface, grandstands, clubhouse, all animal housing and handling areas, other areas in which a person may enter only upon payment of an admission fee or upon presentation of authorized credentials and such additional areas as designated by the commission. The term "racetrack facility" includes a facility used for the display of and wagering on simulcast races and the operation of historical horse race machines without any live horse or greyhound races being conducted.

(gg) "Racing jurisdiction" or "jurisdiction" means a governmental authority that is responsible for the regulation of live or simulcast racing in its jurisdiction.

(hh) "Racing or wagering equipment or services licensee" means any person, partnership, corporation or association licensed by the commission to provide integral racing or wagering equipment or services, as designated by the commission, to an organization licensee.

(ii) "Recognized greyhound owners' group" means the duly recognized group elected in accordance with rules and regulations of the commission by a majority of the Kansas licensed greyhound owners at the racetrack facility voting in the election. The commission may designate an organization such as the national greyhound association of Abilene, Kansas, to conduct the election.

(jj) "Recognized horsemen's group" means the duly recognized group, representing the breeds of horses running at a racetrack facility, elected in accordance with rules and regulations of the commission by a majority of the licensed owners and trainers at the racetrack facility voting in the election. If the licensee does not have a recognized horsemen's group, the commission shall designate as the recognized horsemen's group one that serves another organization licensee, but not one that serves a fair association organization licensee.

(kk) "Simulcast" means a live audio-visual broadcast of an actual horse race at the time it is run.

(ll) "Takeout" means the total amount of money withheld from each parimutuel pool for the payment of purses, taxes and the share to be kept by the organization licensee. Takeout does not include the breakage. The balance of each pool less the breakage is distributed to the holders of winning parimutuel tickets.

History: L. 1987, ch. 112, § 2; L. 1989, ch. 246, § 1; L. 1992, ch. 27, § 1; L. 1992, ch. 286, § 1; L. 1994, ch. 228, § 1; L. 1994, ch. 332, § 1; L. 1996, ch. 145, § 1; L. 1998, ch. 178, § 1; L. 2022, ch. 91, § 37; L. 2024, ch. 15, § 78; July 1.

Revisor's Note:

Section was amended three times in the 1996 session, see also 74-8802a, 74-8802b.

Section was also amended by L. 1998, ch. 152, § 1, but that version was repealed by L. 1998, ch. 178, § 10.

Attorney General's Opinions:

Parimutuel racing; county fair association personnel; wagering on or participating in horse race meetings. 88-131.

County planning and zoning; agricultural purposes; greyhound operations. 90-68.

Horse breeding development fund; apportionment of breakage on simulcast races. 93-12.

Mentioned in discussion of financial interest restrictions under K.S.A. 74-8810 and 74-8762. 2007-28.


1. Racing commission's lack of authority to refund deposit of forfeited licensee (K.S.A. 74-8815) determined. State ex rel. Stephan v. Kansas Racing Comm'n, 246 Kan. 708, 710, 792 P.2d 971 (1990).

2. Supreme Court lacks jurisdiction to hear direct appeals from unsuccessful applicants for license under act. Little Balkans Foundation, Inc. v. Kansas Racing Comm'n, 247 Kan. 180, 181, 190, 795 P.2d 368 (1990).

3. Noted in court's upholding constitutionality of K.S.A. 74-8810(g) and interpretation thereof; "racing greyhound" defined. Boatright v. Kansas Racing Comm'n, 251 Kan. 240, 246, 834 P.2d 368 (1992).

4. Whether raising and keeping greyhounds for sale or racing is an agricultural use for zoning purposes examined. Weber v. Board of Franklin County Comm'rs, 20 Kan. App. 2d 152, 157, 884 P.2d 1159 (1994).


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