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74-8107. Applied research matching grant fund, creation, sources, uses; award of grants, prerequisites; approval of proposals, required findings; applied research committee; commercialized research. (a) The Kansas technology enterprise applied research matching grant fund is hereby created, to which shall be credited any state funds specifically so designated.

(b) The secretary may use the Kansas technology enterprise applied research fund to carry out the purposes of this act by awarding competitive applied research grants to educational institutions and private enterprises of special importance to the Kansas economy. The fund is not to be used for pure research technology transfer technical assistance or training but only for actual applied research.

(c) The secretary shall award grants only after:

(1) Developing, adopting and publishing the criteria it shall use when evaluating research proposals; and

(2) reviewing applied research proposals which present:

(A) Documentation, if the proposal is from an educational institution, that not less than 60% of the total direct cost of the proposed project will be provided by sources other than the corporation; machinery or equipment may be considered as part of the matching funds for the research, but must be accompanied by a statement:

(i) That the educational institution has received the machinery or equipment and it is state of the art; and either

(ii) verifying that the equipment or machinery is donated and has only been used in testing to insure quality control, or used by a wholesaler or retailer for demonstration purposes only; or

(iii) detailing the price paid by the educational institution, with an invoice showing the amount paid for the machinery or equipment;

(B) documentation, if the proposal is from a private enterprise, that not less than 60% of the total direct cost of the proposed project will be provided by sources other than the department or through in-kind services provided through the private enterprise as evaluated by the secretary;

(C) a description of the future commercial application and the industrial sectors that will likely benefit by the applied research project and the potential for job creation;

(D) an itemized research budget, time line and research methodology;

(E) a recommendation from the sponsoring educational institution or business enterprise; and

(F) other information that may be required by the board.

(d) The secretary shall approve such applied research proposals after the secretary finds, based upon the proposal submitted and such additional investigation as the staff of the department shall make, that:

(1) The proposed project is research that leads to innovation, new knowledge or technology and is not training or technical assistance for business firms;

(2) the proposed applied research project will expand that field's technological base within the state;

(3) the project will enhance employment opportunities within Kansas; and

(4) the project is technically sound and will produce a measurable result.

(e) The secretary shall create an applied research committee to assist in evaluating potential applied research projects. The membership of this applied research committee may include employees of the department, and other persons drawn from sources other than [the] department who are recognized by their peers for outstanding knowledge and leadership in their fields.

(f) Any commercialized research that results from an applied research grant shall be subject to paragraphs (20) and (21) of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 74-8104, and amendments thereto.

History: L. 1986, ch. 284, § 7; L. 2011, ch. 104, § 20; July 1.


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