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72-3115. School term; exceptions; conditions; employment of noncertificated personnel. (a) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a school term during which public school shall be maintained in each school year by each school district organized under the laws of this state shall consist of not less than 186 school days for pupils attending kindergarten or any of the grades one through 11 and not less than 181 school days for pupils attending grade 12.

(b) Subject to a policy developed and adopted by the board of any school district, the board may provide for a school term consisting of school hours. A school term provided for in a policy adopted under this subsection shall consist of: (1) For pupils attending kindergarten, not less than 465 school hours in each school year; and (2) for pupils attending any of the grades one through 11, not less than 1,116 school hours in each school year; and (3) for pupils attending grade 12, not less than 1,086 school hours in each school year. Each board of education which develops and adopts a policy providing for a school term in accordance with this subsection shall notify the state board of education thereof on or before September 15 in each school year for which the policy is to be in effect.

(c) Subject to a plan developed and adopted by the board of any school district, the board may schedule the school days required for a school term provided for under subsection (a), or the school hours required for a school term provided for in a policy adopted under subsection (b), on a trimestral or quarterly basis. Each board of education which develops and adopts a plan providing for the scheduling of the school days or school hours of the school term on a trimestral or quarterly basis shall submit the plan to the state board of education for approval prior to implementation. The plan shall be prepared in such form and manner as the state board shall require and shall be submitted at a time or times to be determined and specified by the state board.

(d) Subject to a policy developed and adopted by the board of any district as an adjunct to the district's disciplinary policy or as a part of the district's school improvement plan, the board may schedule school days in addition to the school days scheduled for a school term provided for under subsection (a), or school hours in addition to the school hours scheduled for a school term provided for in a policy adopted under subsection (b), or both such additional school days and school hours for pupils who are in need of remedial education or who are subject to disciplinary measures imposed under the district's disciplinary policy. Any school day or school hour scheduled for a pupil under a policy adopted under this subsection may be scheduled on weekends, before or after regular school hours, and during the summer months. Inexcusable absence from school on any school day or during any school hour by any pupil for whom additional school days or school hours have been scheduled under a policy adopted under this subsection shall be counted as an inexcusable absence from school for the purposes of K.S.A. 72-3121, and amendments thereto.

(e) If the board of any school district, or its designee, shall determine that inclement weather will cause hazardous driving conditions, the board, or its designee, may close any or all of the schools within the district. The amount of time pupils have been in attendance when such determination is made shall be considered a school day of a school term or shall be considered the number of school hours for pupils to be in attendance at school in a day, whichever is applicable. Consonant with the other provisions of this section, a board may schedule any number of days or hours in excess of the regularly scheduled school days or school hours which the board determines will be necessary to compensate for those school days or school hours that schools of the district will remain closed during the school term due to hazardous driving conditions. If the number of days or hours schools remain closed due to hazardous driving conditions exceeds the number of days or hours scheduled by the board to compensate for such school days or school hours, the excess number of days or hours, not to exceed whichever is the lesser of (1) the number of compensatory days or hours scheduled by the board or (2) five days or the number of school hours regularly scheduled in five days, that schools remain closed due to such conditions shall be considered school days or school hours.

(f) The state board of education may waive the requirements of law relating to the duration of the school term upon application for such waiver by a school district. Such waiver may be granted by the state board of education upon: (1) Certification by a board that, due to the persistence of inclement weather, hazardous driving conditions have existed in the school district for an inordinate period of time; and (2) a determination by the state board that the school district cannot reasonably adjust its schedule to comply with statutory requirements. Such waiver shall not exempt a school district from providing a school offering for each pupil which is substantially equivalent to that required by law.

(g) Time reserved for parent-teacher conferences for discussions on the progress of pupils may be considered part of the school term.

(h) Time reserved for staff development or inservice training programs for the purpose of improving staff skills, developing competency in new or highly specialized fields, improving instructional techniques, or curriculum planning and study may be considered part of the school term for an aggregate amount of time equal to the amount of time in excess of the school term which is scheduled by a board of education for similar activities.

(i) Boards of education may employ noncertificated personnel to supervise pupils for noninstructional activities.

History: L. 1876, ch. 122, art. 5, § 2; R.S. 1923, 72-1106; L. 1943, ch. 248, § 38; L. 1957, ch. 384, § 1; L. 1969, ch. 314, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 366, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 367, § 1; L. 1976, ch. 309, § 1; L. 1977, ch. 243, § 1; L. 1978, ch. 288, § 1; L. 1979, ch. 221, § 8; L. 1980, ch. 217, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 293, § 1; L. 1984, ch. 261, § 6; L. 1984, ch. 262, § 2; L. 1991, ch. 220, § 1; L. 1991, ch. 219, § 1; L. 1992, ch. 280, § 40; L. 2001, ch. 215, § 11; July 1.

Source or Prior law:

L. 1869, ch. 86, § 16, 72-1106.

Cross References to Related Sections:

Certificated employees to have valid certificate, see 72-2159.

Law Review and Bar Journal References:

"When Does Child Support End?" Douglas C. Cranmer, J.K.T.L.A. Vol. XXVI, No. 2, 12 (2002).

Attorney General's Opinions:

Outcomes-based accountability system; legislative powers; constitutionality. 90-30.

U.S.D. release of pupils during school day to attend bible school; school policies concerning distribution of information and materials and absence of pupils. 96-5.

U.S.D. may not suspend or expel a pupil for truancy. 97-38.


1. Payments to teachers under oral contracts for extra work held valid. Joint Consolidated School Dist. v. Johnson, 166 Kan. 636, 639, 203 P.2d 242.

2. Statute is of general application; to be considered with K.S.A. 1965 Supp. 72-4801. State v. Garber, 197 Kan. 567, 571, 419 P.2d 896.

3. Proposal to establish committee to make recommendations as to in-service education is mandatorily negotiable. Chee-Craw Teachers Association v. U.S.D. No. 247, 225 Kan. 561, 570, 593 P.2d 406.

4. Cited in appeal of determinations of whether certain bargaining proposals mandatorily negotiable. NEA-Parsons v. U.S.D. No. 503, 225 Kan. 581, 582, 593 P.2d 414.


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