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65-2301. Definitions. When used in this act:

(a) The term "flour" includes and shall be limited to the foods defined as (1) flour, white flour, wheat flour, plain flour, (2) bromated flour, (3) self-rising flour, self-rising white flour, self-rising wheat flour, and (4) phosphated flour, phosphated white flour, and phosphated wheat flour but excludes whole wheat flour and also excludes special flours not used for bread, roll, bun or biscuit baking, such as specialty cake, pancake and pastry flours in the definitions and standards of identity and quality adopted and published by the secretary of health and environment under the authority vested in the secretary by the Kansas food, drug and cosmetic act.

(b) The term "enriched" as applied to flour, means the addition to flour of the vitamins and minerals necessary to make it conform to definition and standard of identity of enriched flour, enriched bromated flour, enriched self-rising flour or enriched phosphated flour, as the case may be as fixed and established by the secretary of health and environment under authority vested in the secretary by the general food and drug acts, such standards to be identical with those established by the proper federal agency under the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act of 1938, unless in the opinion of the secretary changes made in the federal standards subsequent to the effective date of this act will not serve the best interests of the citizens of the state of Kansas or are oppressive to the milling and baking industries of the state.

(c) The term "enriched" as applied to white bread or rolls, means the addition to white bread or rolls of the vitamins and minerals necessary to make it conform to the definition and standard of identity of enriched white bread or rolls as fixed and established by the secretary of health and environment under authority vested in the secretary by the general food and drug acts, such standards to be identical with those established by the proper federal agency under the federal food, drug and cosmetic act of 1938, unless in the opinion of the secretary, changes made in the federal standards subsequent to the effective date of this act, will not serve the best interests of the citizens of the state of Kansas or are oppressive to the baking industry of the state. The enrichment of white bread or rolls may be accomplished through the use of enriched flour, enriched yeast, other enriched ingredients, synthetic vitamins, harmless iron salts, or by any combination of harmless methods which will produce enriched white bread or rolls which meet the requirements of this subsection; but iron shall be added only in forms that are assimilable and harmless and which do not impair the enriched bread or rolls.

(d) The term "white bread" means any bread, whether baked in a pan or on a hearth or screen which is commonly known or usually represented and sold as white bread, including but not restricted to Vienna bread, French bread, Italian bread and any bread which is included in the definition and standard of identity for "white bread" adopted by the secretary of health and environment under authority vested in it by the general food and drug acts.

(e) "Rolls" include plain white rolls and buns of the semibread dough type, such as soft rolls, hamburger, hot dog, parker house, hard rolls such as Vienna, kaiser, etc., all made without fillings or icings but shall not include yeast-raised sweet rolls or sweet buns, cinnamon rolls or buns, butterfly rolls, etc.

(f) The term "secretary" shall mean the secretary of health and environment.

(g) The term "person" means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an association, a joint stock company, a trust or an unincorporated organization to the extent engaged in the manufacture of or sale of flour, white bread or rolls.

History: L. 1947, ch. 331, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 462, § 97; July 1.

Law Review and Bar Journal References:

"A New Kansas Approach to an Old Fraud," consumer protection, Polly Higdon Wilhardt, 14 W.L.J. 623 (1975).


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