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65-1,178. Definitions. As used in K.S.A. 65-1,178 through 65-1,198, and amendments thereto, except as the context otherwise requires:

(a) "Application" means:

(1) The applicable fee, all properly completed and executed documents furnished by the department and any additional required documents or information necessary for obtaining a permit, including but not limited to a registration, construction plans, specifications and any required manure management, nutrient utilization, emergency response, odor control, facility closure and dead swine handling plans; or

(2) registration with the department before July 1, 1996, which has not been acted on by the department before March 1, 1998.

(b) "Best available technology for swine facilities" means the best available technology for swine facilities, as determined by the department in consultation with Kansas state university, owners and operators of permitted swine facilities and other appropriate persons, entities and state and federal agencies.

(c) "Best management practices for swine facilities" means those schedules of activities, maintenance procedures and other management practices of a swine facility that are designed to minimize or prevent pollution of the air, water or soil or to control odor, flies, rodents and other pests, as determined by the department in consultation with Kansas state university, owners and operators of permitted swine facilities and other appropriate persons, entities and state and federal agencies.

(d) "Department" means the department of health and environment.

(e) "Existing swine facility" means any swine facility in existence and registered with or permitted by the secretary before the effective date of this act.

(f) "In existence" means constructed or in place and capable of confining, feeding and maintaining swine. If the department has taken final formal administrative action requiring abandonment of a swine facility or cessation of a swine facility operation for reasons other than separation distances, the department shall conclude the past facility or operation was illegal and not eligible to continue previously legal acts. A facility for which the department has taken such an action shall be considered a new swine facility for the purpose of separation distance requirements.

(g) "Permit" means a water pollution control permit for a swine facility pursuant to K.S.A. 65-166a and 65-171d, and amendments thereto.

(h) "Secretary" means the secretary of health and environment.

(i) "Significant water pollution potential" means any significant potential for pollution of groundwater or surface waters as defined by rules and regulations adopted by the secretary.

(j) "Swine facility" means a confined feeding facility for swine.

(k) "Swine waste management system" means all constructed, excavated or natural receptacles used for the collection, conveyance, storage or treatment of manure or wastewater, or both, from a swine facility, including swine containment buildings.

(l) "Swine waste retention lagoon or pond" means an excavated or diked structure, or a natural depression, provided for or used by a swine facility for the purpose of containing or detaining swine wastes or other wastes generated in the production of swine.

History: L. 1998, ch. 143, ยง 2; May 7.

Cross References to Related Sections:

Separation distances, 65-171d.

Permit fees, 65-166a.

Attorney General's Opinions:

Confined swine feeding facilities; control of water pollution by Secretary of Kansas Department of Health and Environment. 2000-19.


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