59-1507a. Payment of certain benefits to certain relatives; discharge and release; affidavit. (a) If not less than 180 days after the death of an individual entitled at the time of death to a monthly benefit or benefits under title II of the social security act or under any veterans administration program or public or private retirement or annuity plan, all or part of the amount of such benefit or benefits, not in excess of $10,000, is paid to: (1) The surviving spouse; (2) one or more of the deceased's children, or descendants of the deceased's deceased children; (3) the deceased's father or mother; or (4) the deceased's brother or sister. Preference shall be given in the order named if more than one request for payment has been made by or for the named individuals. Such payment shall be deemed to be a payment to the personal representative of the decedent and shall constitute a full discharge and release from any further claim for such payment to the same extent as if such payment had been made to an executor or administrator of the decedent's estate.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) shall apply only if an affidavit has been made and filed with the appropriate governmental office or private company responsible for the benefit by the surviving spouse or other relative by whom or on whose behalf request for payment is made and such affidavit shows: (1) The date of death of the deceased; (2) the relationship of the affiant to the deceased; (3) that no executor or administrator for the deceased has qualified or been appointed; and (4) that, to the affiant's knowledge, there exists at the time of the filing of such affidavit, no relative of a closer degree of kindred to the deceased than the affiant.
History: L. 1967, ch. 322, § 1; L. 1979, ch. 179, § 1; L. 1985, ch. 191, § 24; L. 2000, ch. 25, § 3; L. 2023, ch. 77, § 6; July 1.