82a-1704. Same; resolution of governing body seeking financial assistance. In order that any public corporation eligible for state payments under the provisions of this act may receive payment from the state, the governing body of the public corporation shall adopt and transmit to the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation an appropriate resolution requesting the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation to approve payment to the requesting body of a sum or sums to be named within the limits of and for the purposes defined in this act. The resolution shall show the total cost allocated to the requesting body for providing the lands, easements, and rights-of-way for the works of improvement of the requesting body and shall pledge that all money received from the state under authority of this act will be applied solely to the purposes specified in this act.
History: L. 1996, ch. 17, § 5; L. 2012, ch. 140, § 143; July 1.