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44-709. Claims for benefits; filing; determination of; appeals; appointment of referees; time computation; board of review, membership, qualifications and application process, compensation and duties; procedure; witness fees; judicial review; admissibility and effect of administrative action in separate or subsequent proceeding; appearances; manner of hearings. (a) Filing. Claims for benefits shall be made in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the secretary. The secretary shall furnish a copy of such rules and regulations to any individual requesting them. Each employer shall: (1) Post and maintain printed statements furnished by the secretary without cost to the employer in places readily accessible to individuals in the service of the employer; and (2) provide any other notification to individuals in the service of the employer as required by the secretary pursuant to the families first coronavirus response act, public law 116-127.

(b) Determination. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a representative designated by the secretary, and hereinafter referred to as an examiner, shall promptly examine the claim and, on the basis of the facts found by the examiner, shall determine whether or not the claim is valid. If the examiner determines that the claim is valid, the examiner shall determine the first day of the benefit year, the weekly benefit amount and the total amount of benefits payable with respect to the benefit year. If the claim is determined to be valid, the examiner shall send a notice to the last employing unit who shall respond within 10 days by providing the examiner all requested information including all information required for a decision under K.S.A. 44-706, and amendments thereto. The information may be submitted by the employing unit in person at an employment office of the secretary or by mail, by telefacsimile machine or by electronic mail. If the required information is not submitted or postmarked within a response time limit of 10 days after the examiner's notice was sent, the employing unit shall be deemed to have waived its standing as a party to the proceedings arising from the claim and shall be barred from protesting any subsequent decisions about the claim by the secretary, a referee, the employment security board of review or any court, except that the employing unit's response time limit may be waived or extended by the examiner or upon appeal, if timely response was impossible due to excusable neglect. In any case in which the payment or denial of benefits will be determined by the provisions of K.S.A. 44-706(d), and amendments thereto, the examiner shall promptly transmit the claim to a special examiner designated by the secretary to make a determination on the claim after the investigation as the special examiner deems necessary. The parties shall be promptly notified of the special examiner's decision and any party aggrieved by the decision may appeal to the referee as provided in subsection (c). The claimant and the claimant's most recent employing unit shall be promptly notified of the examiner's or special examiner's decision.

(2) The examiner may for good cause reconsider the examiner's decision and shall promptly notify the claimant and the most recent employing unit of the claimant, that the decision of the examiner is to be reconsidered, except that no reconsideration shall be made after the termination of the benefit year.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other statute, a decision of an examiner or special examiner shall be final unless the claimant or the most recent employing unit of the claimant files an appeal from the decision as provided in subsection (c), except that the time limit for appeal may be waived or extended by the referee or board of review if a timely response was impossible due to excusable neglect. The appeal must be filed within 16 calendar days after the mailing of notice to the last known addresses of the claimant and employing unit or, if notice is not by mail, within 16 calendar days after the delivery of the notice to the parties.

(c) Appeals. Unless the appeal is withdrawn, a referee, after affording the parties reasonable opportunity for fair hearing, shall affirm or modify the findings of fact and decision of the examiner or special examiner. The parties shall be duly notified of the referee's decision, together with the reasons for the decision. The decision shall be final, notwithstanding the provisions of any other statute, unless a further appeal to the employment security board of review is filed within 16 calendar days after the mailing of the decision to the parties' last known addresses or, if notice is not by mail, within 16 calendar days after the delivery of the decision, except that the time limit for appeal may be waived or extended by the referee or board of review if a timely response was impossible due to excusable neglect.

(d) Referees. The secretary shall appoint, in accordance with K.S.A. 44-714(c), and amendments thereto, one or more referees to hear and decide disputed claims.

(e) Time, computation and extension. In computing the period of time for an employing unit response or for appeals under this section from the examiner's or the special examiner's determination or from the referee's decision, the day of the act, event or default from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period shall be included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.

(f) Board of review. There is hereby created an employment security board of review, hereinafter referred to as the board.

(1) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the board shall consist of three members. Each member of the board shall be appointed for a term of four years as provided in this subsection. Not more than two members of the board shall belong to the same political party.

(B) The board shall consist of six members. The six-member board shall consist of the following: (i) Three members appointed under subparagraph (A); and (ii) three members appointed for a term that shall expire upon the expiration of this subparagraph. Each member of the board appointed under subparagraph (B)(ii) shall be appointed as provided in this subsection. Not more than four members of the six-member board shall belong to the same political party. The provisions of this subparagraph shall expire on June 30, 2024.

(2) (A) When a vacancy on the employment security board of review occurs, the workers compensation and employment security boards nominating committee established under K.S.A. 44-551, and amendments thereto, shall convene and submit a qualified nominee to the governor for appointment to each vacancy on the employment security board of review, subject to confirmation by the senate as provided by K.S.A. 75-4315b, and amendments thereto. Minimum qualifications for qualified candidates for appointment to the employment security board of review, in order of priority, shall be:

(i) At least eight years direct experience with human resources processes, polices*, guidelines or employee relations;

(ii) at least three years direct experience with employment security laws and processes; and

(iii) knowledge of unemployment and labor laws.

(B) Applications for employment security board of review positions shall be submitted to the director of unemployment. The director shall determine if an applicant meets the qualifications for an employment security review board member as prescribed in paragraph (A). Qualified applicants for a position of employment security review board member shall be submitted by the director to the workers compensation and employment security boards nominating committee for consideration. The workers compensation and employment security boards nominating committee shall nominate a candidate for consideration by the governor.

(C) The governor shall either accept and submit to the senate for confirmation the person nominated by the nominating committee or reject the nomination and request the nominating committee to nominate another person for that position. Except as provided by K.S.A. 46-2601, and amendments thereto, no person appointed to the employment security board of review, whose appointment is subject to confirmation by the senate, shall exercise any power, duty or function as a member until confirmed by the senate.

(3) No member of the employment security board of review shall serve more than two consecutive terms. This paragraph shall not apply to members of the board appointed under subsection (f)(1)(B)(ii). The service of a board member appointed under subsection (f)(1)(B)(ii) shall not constitute a term as contemplated in this paragraph.

(4) Each member of the employment security board shall serve until a successor has been appointed and confirmed. Any vacancy in the membership of the board occurring prior to expiration of a term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term in the same manner as provided for original appointment of the member.

(5) Each member of the employment security board of review shall be entitled to receive as compensation for the member's services at the rate of $15,000 per year, together with the member's travel and other necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of the member's official duties in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the secretary. Members' compensation and expenses shall be paid from the employment security administration fund.

(6) The employment security board of review shall organize annually by the election of a chairperson from among its members. The chairperson shall serve in that capacity for a term of one year and until a successor is elected. For the purpose of hearing and determining cases, the board members may sit in panels. A board panel shall consist of three members with not more than two members belonging to the same political party. The chairperson may sit as a member of a panel and shall preside over such panel. When the chairperson is not a member of a hearing panel, the chairperson shall appoint a member of the panel to preside. The board or board panel shall meet on the first Monday of each month or on the call of the chairperson or any two members of the board at the place designated. The secretary of labor shall appoint an executive secretary of the board and the executive secretary or the executive secretary's designee shall attend the meetings of the board and board panels.

(7) The employment security board of review or board panel, on its own motion, may affirm, modify or set aside any decision of a referee on the basis of the evidence previously submitted in the case; may direct the taking of additional evidence; or may permit any of the parties to initiate further appeal before it. The board or board panel shall permit such further appeal by any of the parties interested in a decision of a referee that overrules or modifies the decision of an examiner. The board or board panel may remove to itself the proceedings on any claim pending before a referee. Any proceedings so removed to the board or board panel shall be heard in accordance with the requirements of subsection (c). The board or board panel shall promptly notify the interested parties of its findings and decision.

(8) A simple majority of the members of the employment security board of review or board panel shall constitute a quorum and no action of the board or board panel shall be valid unless it has the concurrence of a majority of its members. A vacancy on the board shall not impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the board.

(g) Procedure. The manner that disputed claims are presented, the reports on claims required from the claimant and from employers and the conduct of hearings and appeals shall be in accordance with rules of procedure prescribed by the employment security board of review for determining the rights of the parties, whether or not such rules conform to common law or statutory rules of evidence and other technical rules of procedure. A full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings and decisions in connection with a disputed claim. All testimony at any hearing upon a disputed claim shall be recorded, but need not be transcribed unless the disputed claim is further appealed. In the performance of its official duties, the board or board panel shall have access to all of the records that pertain to the disputed claim and are in the custody of the secretary of labor and shall receive the assistance of the secretary upon request.

(h) Witness fees. Witnesses subpoenaed pursuant to this section shall be allowed fees and necessary travel expenses at rates fixed by the board. Such fees and expenses shall be deemed a part of the expense of administering this act.

(i) Review of board action. Any action of the employment security board of review including that of a board panel, may not be reconsidered after the mailing of the decision. An action of the board or board panel shall become final unless a petition for review in accordance with the Kansas judicial review act is filed within 16 calendar days after the date of the mailing of the decision. If an appeal has not been filed within 16 calendar days of the date of the mailing of the decision, the decision becomes final. No bond shall be required for commencing an action for such review. In addition to those persons having standing pursuant to K.S.A. 77-611, and amendments thereto, the examiner shall have standing to obtain judicial review of an action of such board or board panel. The review proceeding, and the questions of law certified, shall be heard in a summary manner and shall be given precedence over all other civil cases except cases arising under the workers compensation act.

(j) Any finding of fact or law, judgment, determination, conclusion or final order made by the employment security board of review or board panel or any examiner, special examiner, referee or other person with authority to make findings of fact or law pursuant to the employment security law is not admissible or binding in any separate or subsequent action or proceeding, between a person and a present or previous employer brought before an arbitrator, court or judge of the state or the United States, regardless of whether the prior action was between the same or related parties or involved the same facts.

(k) In any proceeding or hearing conducted under this section, a party to the proceeding or hearing may appear before a referee or the employment security board of review or board panel either personally or by means of a designated representative to present evidence and to state the position of the party. Hearings may be conducted in person, by telephone or other means of electronic communication. The hearing shall be conducted by telephone or other means of electronic communication if none of the parties requests an in-person hearing. If a party requests an in-person hearing, the referee or board or board panel shall have the discretion to deny the request in the absence of good cause shown for the request by the requesting party. If a request for an in-person hearing is granted, the referee or board or board panel shall have the discretion to require all parties to appear in person or allow the party not requesting an in-person hearing to appear by telephone or other means of electronic communication. The notice of hearing shall include notice to the parties of their right to request an in-person hearing and instructions on how to make the request.

History: L. 1937, ch. 255, § 9; L. 1941, ch. 264, § 6; L. 1943, ch. 190, § 4; L. 1959, ch. 223, § 4; L. 1965, ch. 320, § 1; L. 1970, ch. 191, § 5; L. 1973, ch. 205, § 5; L. 1976, ch. 226, § 4; L. 1976, ch. 370, § 61; L. 1979, ch. 161, § 2; L. 1980, ch. 149, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 347, § 18; L. 1982, ch. 216, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 312, § 2; L. 1984, ch. 318, § 9; L. 1986, ch. 191, § 3; L. 1986, ch. 318, § 59; L. 1987, ch. 191, § 4; L. 1990, ch. 186, § 3; L. 1993, ch. 251, § 5; L. 1995, ch. 235, § 4; L. 1995, ch. 241, § 5; L. 1997, ch. 19, § 1; L. 1999, ch. 167, § 2; L. 2003, ch. 158, § 6; L. 2004, ch. 105, § 3; L. 2004, ch. 179, § 58; L. 2010, ch. 17, § 75; L. 2013, ch. 104, § 3; L. 2013, ch. 133, § 17; L. 2015, ch. 57, § 5; L. 2020, ch. 1, § 29 (Special Session); L. 2021, ch. 92, § 15; L. 2024, ch. 83, § 5; July 1.

Revisor's Note:

Section was also amended by L. 2013, ch. 106, § 6, but that version was repealed by L. 2013, ch. 133, § 37.

* The word "polices" should have been "policies" instead.

Law Review and Bar Journal References:

Survey of constitutional and administrative law, Glenn E. Opie, 12 K.L.R. 166 (1963).

Cited in article on judicial review of administrative decisions. Kenton C. Granger, 33 J.B.A.K. 291, 335, 336 (1964).

"Administrative Law: Findings of Fact, A Review of the Federal Administrative Procedure Act and Kansas Law," David W. Queen, 22 W.L.J. 58, 68 (1982).

"Appellate Court Jurisdiction: An Update," Debra S. Byrd, 58 J.K.B.A. No. 1, 21, 23 (1989).

"Written Testimony of Richard E. Levy Before the House Agriculture Committee, State of Kansas," Richard E. Levy, 42 K.L.R. 265, 280 (1994).

"What Constitutes Excusable Neglect? A Guide for the Kansas Federal & State Practitioner," Steven W. Allton, John W. Broomes, 77 J.K.B.A. No. 5, 6 (2008).


1. Paragraph (h) construed; procedure for review of decisions stated. Shumaker v. Kansas State Labor Dept., 154 Kan. 418, 419, 421, 118 P.2d 550.

2. Paragraph (i) construed; procedure for review of decisions stated. Shumaker v. Kansas State Labor Dept., 154 Kan. 418, 419, 421, 118 P.2d 550.

3. Paragraph (i) construed; jurisdiction of district and supreme courts on appeal determined. Craig v. Kansas State Labor Commissioner, 154 Kan. 691, 693, 121 P.2d 203.

4. Act is complete within itself and provides its own procedure. Smith v. Robertson, 155 Kan. 706, 128 P.2d 260.

5. Various clauses cited in holding term "wages" includes "holiday pay.'' Erickson v. General Motors Corporation, 177 Kan. 90, 91, 92, 93, 276 P.2d 376.

6. Court review provisions mentioned in construing similar provisions in K.S.A. 44-710b (b), (c). Read v. Warkentin, Commissioner, 185 Kan. 286, 290, 341 P.2d 980.

7. Paragraph (h) (1943 act) applies only when employer aggrieved; commissioner may change decision later. Warburton v. Warkentin, 185 Kan. 468, 475, 345 P.2d 992.

8. Paragraph (h) discussed, applied; findings of board conclusive, when; extent of judicial review. Clark v. Board of Review Employment Security Division, 187 Kan. 695, 696, 697, 698, 700, 359 P.2d 856.

9. Paragraph (h) does not authorize motion to dismiss; petition and answer are only authorized pleadings. Johnston v. Kansas Employment Security Board of Review, 189 Kan. 327, 328, 329, 330, 369 P.2d 394.

10. Lump sum payments made pursuant to agreement did not constitute wages after termination of services; claimants unemployed; eligible for compensation. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. v. Employment Security Board of Review, 189 Kan. 600, 601, 602, 371 P.2d 134.

11. Paragraph (h) applied; board of review's finding based on ample evidence conclusive on district and supreme courts. Watkins v. Board of Review, 191 Kan. 223, 225, 380 P.2d 329.

12. District court's jurisdiction limited to questions of law; board's findings supported by evidence sans fraud conclusive on court. Pickman v. Weltmer, 191 Kan. 543, 545, 547, 382 P.2d 298.

13. Court review of board's findings is confined to questions of law. Chadwick v. Employment Security Board of Review, 192 Kan. 769, 771, 390 P.2d 1017.

14. Mentioned; pregnancy of itself does not render an employee unavailable for employment during the first seven months of pregnancy. Boeing Co. v. Kansas Employment Security Board of Review, 193 Kan. 287, 288, 392 P.2d 904.

15. Aggrieved nonresident claimant not precluded from obtaining judicial review of board's decision. Whitehead v. State of Kansas Labor Department, 203 Kan. 159, 160, 162, 163, 453 P.2d 11.

16. Cited in holding employees who elected to take their vacations at some time other than the shutdown period authorized under a collective bargaining agreement were voluntarily unemployed and not eligible for unemployment compensation benefits. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. Employment Security Board of Review, 205 Kan. 279, 281, 282, 469 P.2d 263.

17. Court has no jurisdiction unless full administrative appeals are taken. Zimmerman v. Board of Review of the Employment Security Division, 208 Kan. 68, 69, 70, 490 P.2d 359.

18. Subsection (h) cited; plaintiff sought review of board ruling; district court upheld board ruling; no error. Boeing Company v. Kansas Employment Security Board of Review, 209 Kan. 430, 432, 496 P.2d 1376.

19. Question of law at issue; employee held eligible for benefits after mandatory retirement under labor agreement. Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. v. Employment Security Board of Review, 210 Kan. 403, 404, 502 P.2d 645.

20. Decision denying evidentiary redetermination of employer's experience rating based on no appeal taken within period prescribed by subsection (b) reversed. Bill George Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. v. Carlton, 216 Kan. 365, 366, 369, 532 P.2d 1351.

21. Student who refused to work during school hours not "available for work" and ineligible for benefits. Townsend v. Kansas Employment Security Board of Review, 218 Kan. 306, 311, 312, 543 P.2d 888.

22. Board's findings of fact, absent fraud and if supported by evidence, are conclusive and binding upon district court. Farmland Foods, Inc. v. Abendroth, 225 Kan. 742, 745, 594 P.2d 184.

23. When Employment Security Board of Review findings state only conclusions, they are inadequate and do not constitute sufficient findings for valid order. Krashin v. Kansas Employment Security Bd. of Review, 6 Kan. App. 2d 103, 104, 105, 626 P.2d 1221.

24. Cited in case upholding the constitutionality of K.S.A. 44-706. Leiker v. Employment Security Bd. of Review, 8 Kan. App. 2d 379, 381, 659 P.2d 236 (1983).

25. Cited; extensive review of administrative appeal statutes where issue was service on appeal of driver's license suspension (K.S.A. 8-259). In re Gantz, 10 Kan. App. 2d 299, 300, 698 P.2d 385 (1985).

26. Cited; permanent part-time employees held not involuntarily unemployed (K.S.A. 44-702) during time off; ineligible for benefits. McCall Pattern Co. v. Kansas Employment Security Bd. of Review, 238 Kan. 608, 613, 712 P.2d 1266 (1986).

27. Nothing in statute requires a litigant to request waiver under K.S.A. 44-719(d) before seeking judicial review. Vann v. Employment Security Bd. of Review, 12 Kan. App. 2d 778, 780, 756 P.2d 1107 (1988).

28. Board of review's decision regarding compensation benefits to employee discharged for failing off-the-job drug usage test examined. National Gypsum Co. v. Kansas Employment Security Bd. of Review, 244 Kan. 678, 682, 772 P.2d 786 (1989).

29. Whether teacher deemed laid off at end of each assignment for unemployment compensation purposes examined. U.S.D. No. 500 v. Womack, 20 Kan. App. 2d 608, 609, 890 P.2d 1233 (1995).

30. Claimant's due process deprivation claim failed because claimant received necessary process. Blackford v. Kansas Employment Sec. Bd. of Review, 938 F. Supp. 739, 741 (1996).

31. Employers lacked standing to challenge claims; representative's failure to complete notice form not excusable neglect on employers' part. Beverly California Corp. v. State, 23 Kan. App. 2d 680, 683, 684, 934 P.2d 992 (1997).

32. Appeal not filed timely; time computation method provided hereunder and K.A.R. 48-4-1 controlling over K.S.A. 60-206. Keithley v. Kansas Employment Security Bd. of Review, 23 Kan. App. 2d 732, 735, 935 P.2d 1060 (1997).

33. The board's decision becomes final after 16 days from the decision. Norris v. Kansas Employment Security Bd. of Review, 50 Kan. App. 2d 69, 321 P.3d 28 (2014).


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