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41-2702. Retailer's license; application; notice; fee; state stamp; license nontransferable. (a) No retailer shall sell any cereal malt beverage or beer containing not more than 6% alcohol by volume without having first secured a license for each place of business as herein provided. In case such place of business is located within the corporate limits of a city, the application for license shall be made to the governing body of such city. In all other cases, the application for license shall be made to the board of county commissioners in the county in which such place of business is to be located, except that the application for license to sell on railway cars shall be made to the director as hereinafter provided.

(b) A board of county commissioners shall not issue or renew a retailer's license without giving the clerk of the township where the place of business is to be located written notice by registered mail of the filing of the application for licensure or renewal. The township board may within 10 days file advisory recommendations as to the granting of such license or renewal and such advisory recommendations shall be considered by the board of county commissioners before such license is issued. If an original license is granted and issued, the board of county commissioners shall grant and issue renewals thereof upon application of the license holder, if the license holder is qualified to receive the same and the license has not been revoked as provided by law.

(c) An application for a retailer's license shall be verified and upon a form prepared by the attorney general of the state and shall contain:

(1) The name and residence of the applicant;

(2) the length of time that the applicant has resided within the state of Kansas;

(3) the particular place of business for which a license is desired;

(4) the name of the owner of the premises upon which the place of business is located; and

(5) a statement that the applicant is a citizen of the United States and not less than 21 years of age and that the applicant has not within two years immediately preceding the date of making application been convicted of a felony, any crime involving moral turpitude, drunkenness, driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or violation of any other intoxicating liquor law of any state or of the United States.

(d) In addition to the fee provided by subsection (e), each application for a retailer's license to sell cereal malt beverages for consumption on the licensed premises shall be accompanied by a fee as follows:

(1) For licensure of a place of business other than a railway car, a fee of not less than $25 nor more than $200, as prescribed by the board of county commissioners or the governing body of the city, as the case may be; and

(2) for licensure to sell on railway cars, a fee of $100.

(e) Each applicant for a retailer's license or renewal of such a license shall submit to the director a copy of the completed application for such license or license renewal, together with a fee of $25. Upon receipt of such application, the director shall authorize a state stamp to be affixed to the license. No such stamp shall be affixed to any license except such stamps as provided by the director and no retailer's license shall be issued or renewed unless such stamp has first been affixed thereto. The director may refuse to issue a stamp if the applicant or licensee is not current in the payment of any fines imposed by the director relating to such license or a license previously issued pursuant to this section, the Kansas liquor control act or the club and drinking establishment act.

(f) The director shall remit all fees collected by the director to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of the state general fund, except that the director may provide for the deposit in the cereal malt beverage tax refund fund of such amounts as necessary for the refund of any license fees collected hereunder.

(g) The board of county commissioners of the several counties or the governing body of a city shall issue a license upon application duly made as otherwise provided for herein, to any retailer engaged in business in such county or city and qualified to receive such license, to sell only cereal malt beverages in original and unopened containers, and not for consumption on the premises. The annual license fee for such license, which shall be in addition to the fee provided by subsection (e), shall be not less than $25 nor more than $50.

(h) No license issued under this act shall be transferable.

History: L. 1937, ch. 214, § 2; L. 1949, ch. 244, § 4; L. 1953, ch. 240, § 1; L. 1970, ch. 188, § 1; L. 1978, ch. 189, § 2; L. 1987, ch. 182, § 98; L. 1988, ch. 165, § 6; L. 2001, ch. 5, § 133; L. 2017, ch. 56, § 8; L. 2018, ch. 8, § 3; April 1, 2019.

Cross References to Related Sections:

Licensing of wholesalers and distributors, see 41-2713.

Law Review and Bar Journal References:

"Liquor by the Book in Kansas: The Ghost of Temperance Past," Kevin Wendell Swain, 35 W.L.J. 322, 340 (1996).

Attorney General's Opinions:

Cereal malt beverage retailer's license; application to city or county; fees. 84-18.

Issuance of CMB retailer's license; effect of township board recommendation. 84-63.

Cereal malt beverages; license fees; private clubs. 86-57.

Cereal malt beverages; license application; city governing body is license grantor. 86-93.

Cereal malt beverage consumption on county-owned property. 86-142.

Possession, transportation and consumption of alcoholic liquors and cereal malt beverages by vehicle passengers. 86-157.

Cereal malt beverages; off-premise sales. 87-1.

Local licensing authority may define "premises" in regard to sale and consumption of cereal malt beverages. 87-136.

Alcoholic beverage sales; licensure; Amtrack; Class B clubs on trains. 87-191.

Alcoholic liquor; city authority to issue and revoke a local city retail license. 96-55.

Beer distributors cannot sell cereal malt beverages or furnish equipment to a person holding a license that was not issued on an annual basis or for the calendar year; cities may impose reasonable licensure requirements. 2010-12.


1. Numerous constitutional objections considered and section held valid. Johnson v. Reno County Comm'rs, 147 Kan. 211, 212, 75 P.2d 849.

2. Act construed; refusal by city to consider application for license, remedy. Lindquist v. City of Lindsborg, 165 Kan. 212, 214, 215, 216, 193 P.2d 180.

3. Application for sale at retail, not for consumption on premises; timely objection by township board; county commissioners must deny. Horyna v. Board of County Commissioners, 194 Kan. 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 399 P.2d 844.

4. County commissioners must issue renewal license when applicant qualified and no objection by township. Curless v. Board of County Commissioners, 197 Kan. 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 419 P.2d 876.

5. Licensing of retail cereal malt beverage outlets, when business is in a city, is delegated to city; unreasonable regulation void. City of Baxter Springs v. Bryant, 226 Kan. 383, 387, 598 P.2d 1051.


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