12-5363. Definitions. As used in the Kansas 911 act:
(a) ''Consumer'' means a person who purchases prepaid wireless service in a retail transaction.
(b) ''Department'' means the Kansas department of revenue.
(c) ''Enhanced 911 service'' or "E-911 service" means an emergency telephone service that generally may provide, but is not limited to, selective routing, automatic number identification and automatic location identification features.
(d) ''Exchange telecommunications service'' means the service that provides local telecommunications exchange access to a service user.
(e) "GIS" means a geographic information system for capturing, storing, displaying, analyzing and managing data and associated attributes that are spatially referenced.
(f) "GIS data" means the geometry and associated attributes packaged in a geodatabase that defines the roads, address points and boundaries within a PSAP's jurisdiction.
(g) "Governing body" means the board of county commissioners of a county or the governing body of a city.
(h) "Local collection point administrator" or "LCPA" means the person designated by the 911 coordinating council to serve as the local collection point administrator to collect and distribute 911 fees, 911 operations fund moneys and 911 state grant fund moneys.
(i) "Multi-line telephone system" means a system comprised of common control units, telephones and control hardware and software providing local telephone service to multiple end-use customers that may include VoIP service and network and premises based systems such as centrex, private branch exchange and hybrid key telephone systems.
(j) ''Next generation 911'' means 911 service that conforms with national emergency number association (NENA) i3 standards and enables PSAPs to receive Enhanced 911 service calls and emergency calls from Internet Protocol (IP) based technologies and applications that may include text messaging, image, video and data information from callers.
(k) "Non-traditional PSAP" means a PSAP not operated by a city or county, including, but not limited to, PSAPs operated by universities, tribal governments or the state * federal government.
(l) ''Person'' means any individual, firm, partnership, copartnership, joint venture, association, cooperative organization, corporation, municipal or private, and whether organized for profit or not, state, county, political subdivision, state department, commission, board, bureau or fraternal organization, nonprofit organization, estate, trust, business or common law trust, receiver, assignee for the benefit of creditors, trustee or trustee in bankruptcy or any other legal entity.
(m) ''Prepaid wireless service'' means a wireless telecommunications service that allows a caller to dial 911 to access the 911 system, which service must be paid for in advance and is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.
(n) ''Place of primary use'' has the meaning provided in the mobile telecommunications act as defined by 4 U.S.C. § 116 et seq., as in effect on the effective date of this act.
(o) ''Provider'' means any person providing exchange telecommunications service, wireless telecommunications service, VoIP service or other service capable of contacting a PSAP. A provider may also be a 911 system operator.
(p) ''PSAP'' means a public safety answering point operated by a city or county.
(q) ''Retail transaction'' means the purchase of prepaid wireless service from a seller for any purpose other than resale, not including the use, storage or consumption of such services.
(r) ''Seller'' means a person who sells prepaid wireless service to another person.
(s) ''Service user'' means any person who is provided exchange telecommunications service, wireless telecommunications service, VoIP service, prepaid wireless service or any other service capable of contacting a PSAP.
(t) ''Subscriber account'' means the 10-digit access number assigned to a service user by a provider for the purpose of billing a service user up to the maximum capacity of the simultaneous outbound calling capability of a multi-line telephone system or equivalent service.
(u) ''Subscriber radio equipment'' means mobile and portable radio equipment installed in vehicles or carried by persons for voice communication with a radio system.
(v) ''VoIP service'' means voice over internet protocol.
(w) ''Wireless telecommunications service'' means commercial mobile radio service as defined by 47 C.F.R. § 20.3 as in effect on the effective date of this act.
(x) "911 call" means any electronic request for emergency response, presented by means of wireline, wireless, VoIP or telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) technology, text message or any other technology by which a service user initiates an immediate information interchange or conversation with a PSAP.
(y) "911 system operator" means any entity that accepts 911 calls from providers, processes those calls and presents those calls to the appropriate PSAP. A "911 system operator" may also be a provider.
History: L. 2011, ch. 84, § 2; L. 2012, ch. 21, § 1; L. 2014, ch. 6, § 1; L. 2019, ch. 39, § 1; July 1.
Revisor's Note:
CAUTION: Section was amended to be effective on July 1, 2025, see L. 2024, ch. 53, § 11.